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Communicate with confidence, craft a career with pride and joy


Is This You?


→ Dedicated and driven, you are not afraid to put in effort to win big in life


→ Always on the lookout for ways to upskill for personal and professional  development

Then ULM is for YOU!




Communicate confidently and accurately in English

Present your best self personally and professionally

Find clarity in your career and live an authentic life




Our courses and workshops are designed to guide you in your learning journey through research-based methods of habit-building and accountability. 


With ULM, you learn through hard work and consistency. No compromises.

Choose the Right Services



Basic Business Communication


Master essential communication skills and build confidence for workplace success by learning clear, concise, and professional writing and speaking techniques. 


Intermediate Business Communication

Advance your communication skills to a higher level by exploring persuasive writing, impactful presentations, effective negotiation strategies and consensus building. 


Career Mentorship 

Achieve your career goals by exploring career options, crafting a professional development plan, and building a strong professional network through personalized guidance on your career journey. 


Resume Building Workshop

Learn to craft a professional and impactful resume that showcases your unique value proposition and highlights your strengths and experiences to potential employers.


LinkedIn Profile Building Workshop 

Optimize your LinkedIn profile for career success by connecting with industry professionals and leveraging LinkedIn for job searching and networking opportunities.


Personal Brand Building Workshop

Create a strong and authentic online identity to use as your virtual calling card and establish a commanding presence in every role you take up. 

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Meet Urbi
Founder and Mentor

I am a writer, editor, and all-round content and communications enthusiast. I bring 10+ years of teaching experience and half a decade’s experience across roles and industries - think researcher, communications specialist, editor, content creator and strategist in the social sector and creative spaces. Now I am utilizing my expertise to help you curate a career of your dreams.



Like what you see? Get in touch!

+91 9933135815

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